Saturday, November 18, 2017

Bojack Horseman: Thoughts about Princess Carolyn

Bojack Horseman, he's an asshole, he's drunk, he's famous, and he just can't seem to find happiness in his life. From season 1, the show has given me some motivation in my life. It's kind of hard to describe, people don't really relate to Bojack himself, not initially. He's kind of a jerk and has almost every reason to be happy, he's got friends, a reliable agent, and kind of has it easy, but he doesn't take any bullshit. He's also tends to sabotage himself, weather it be on purpose, or because he has no idea what to do. There are certain episodes where the audience can see what he's given, all of the opportunities that he can succeed in, but he just doesn't want it. If he accepted everything and tried to actually make his life better, there would be no problem, but that's not who he is. It's actually unfortunate, most people in the world are as unhappy as he is and we can all relate to that. It's not only him, but all of his friends seem to get caught up with it too. I'll start with Princess Carolyn.

The series takes place in an anthropomorphic world where humans and animal-people have been around since the beginning of time. Although the show isn't about that specifically, it plays an important role for many of the characters. Princes Carolyn is a cat, she's an agent for Bojack and many other celebrities in Hollywood (currently known as Hollywoo, due to Bojack's actions). She's sassy, not too old, overworks and tries to get actors's lives in shape. She's also a great motivator, whether she actually means it doesn't really matter Also, she has a knack for tongue twisters. It's a famous quote she says that sums up her entire character. "My life is a mess right now and I compulsively take care of other people when I don't know how to take care of myself." We all know people like this, don't we? Someone is working themselves way too hard. Sometimes they succeed and have all the rights to be smug about it. Though, it can take just one bad day to ruin it all. She just can't handle it. From the episode where she builds up this entire organization to become one of the best agencies, to the episode where it almost all falls down, she does find a way to make it right again.

This new Thoughts series I'm making is a new start, I mostly want to reflect on what I've learned from shows that I admire the most. If I write that, that's all that matters right now.

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